" The King of the Castle and the Roads ! "
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Latest News 2024
It has been quite a while since I updated the site but me and my Capri are still here!
D659 DBY is currently under a nice bespoke cover and on SORN for the winter. Unfortunately because of a lot of things going on in my personal life I haven’t been able to drive her in 2024 and she is currently un-taxed and without an MOT for the time being.
I have had her out from under the cover several times in the summer and checked everything is OK. She still looks amazing both inside and out and started first time (she is kept on a trickle charger). I did go for a cheeky spin a couple of times round the block and everything seemed to be working OK including the fan blower.
I did have some issues with the electric aerial that requires a full strip down and rebuild. It is an expensive German Harman one and they are pretty robust and very quiet. This one had got the gearing all out of whack so I spent a few frustrating hours trying to get it all back in the right position and lubricated. Fortunately it all worked perfectly again. A good squirt of WD40 on the aerial pole before the winter is always recommended to stop them seizing up and refusing to lift.
Inspired by my electrical success I removed the original Ford radio to find out why suddenly the right channel was very quiet. Upon inspection I found several of the large capacitors were leaking so I replaced all the electrolytic capacitors with new ones from Farnell. I work in an electronics business so this was relatively straight forward to organise.
On the outputs to the speaker channels are two brown coloured coupling capacitors and both these were leaking badly. Replacing all these has completely transformed the stereo. It is loud and equally balanced again and sounds amazing for such an old piece of kit. Even the tape player sounds great as well - after a new belt and good clean og the heads and pinch roller (these are buried in the stereo somewhat but once you’ve worked out the trick are actually easy to get to with the stereo out of the car.
As everyone knows getting these stereos out of the car is not a five minute job requiring pretty much the entire dashboard to be removed so hopefully I won’t have to do ti again for a few years!
I am just reviewing the webs site to make sure everything is still relevant and all the links still work

web page is owned
and operated by Mark Swetnam
Last updated 19/10/24
©1995 to 2025
E-mail: Mark@Swetnam.co.uk
Keeping 'The Legend Alive' on the World Wide Web since 1995!